Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen

Einrichtung and Universität   Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 60590

Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programmes, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy.


Einrichtung   Universität  

Adresse :
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
Frankfurt am Main
Hessen 60590
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Goethe-Universität — Welcome to Goethe University Frankfurt
Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programmes, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy.

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